GoodWays – Cesta k ekologické každodennosti

GoodWays – The Path to Eco-Friendly Everyday Life

As part of the reSTART business program, which focuses on supporting small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, we had the opportunity to share through an interview where you can read all about our beginnings, philosophy, transformation, and especially our dreams and goals for the future. We wish you happy reading! :)

You can read the original article here. #restartbusiness

GoodWays is a Czech company that dreams of a future focused on a healthy lifestyle without unnecessary waste. Using glass and bamboo wood, it seeks and creates design alternatives to single-use plastic products, helping its customers live a little more environmentally friendly every day.

The company used the quarantine period to create a new concept, rebrand, and prepare new reusable and sustainable products. I asked Tereza Svobodová, who is the ecological heart of the team, about what we can expect from GoodWays in the future and the impact of the coronavirus crisis on the environment.


- Your first product is a reusable drinking bottle. Did you have any other alternatives, or was it a clear first choice?

Our first product, which remains the most popular and sought-after to this day, is the double glass bottle GoodGlass Thermo – a double-walled bottle made of borosilicate glass with a wide mouth and a two-part strainer for tea, herbs, or coffee. Thanks to its versatile use, this design was a clear choice for us. We believe that there is no need to make any compromises between practical use and beautiful design.

- Why glass? What features were key for you when choosing the material?

At GoodWays, we believe that when it comes to drinking bottles, glass is the purest option for both us and our planet. It leaves no odors or tastes like plastic and is easy to maintain. We use special borosilicate glass for our bottles, which is more durable than regular glass and can handle boiling water. And when you prepare a tasty infusion of fruits or herbs in the bottle, you can enjoy looking inside while drinking it, which can motivate you to stick to a proper hydration routine.


- What actually led you to establish GoodWays?

At the time of the founding of GoodWays (then GoodGlass), there wasn't as much talk in the Czech Republic about sustainable living and the necessity of replacing single-use plastic products with reusable ones as there is now. We decided to change this, contribute our part, and reduce the world's dependence on plastic bottles and other single-use products. GoodGlass is a beautiful designer bottle that everyone wants to carry with them, naturally behaving more sustainably by not buying unnecessary plastic water bottles or cups of soda. There's nothing easier than asking for a drink in your own bottle! At the same time as our products, we strive to spread the idea of reusability and waste-free living. So now we are introducing more products that replace single-use plastic items to encourage living a life with less waste. We now offer, for example, GoodStraw bamboo straws, and we are planning more and more products.


- To what extent is the coronavirus crisis influencing your customers' behavior? And do you feel at this moment that things are returning to normal?

During the crisis, it was not easy for many smaller businesses, just like it was for us. We have noticed a significant drop in orders from both customers and business partners. In the first wave, no one knew how the whole situation would develop, and therefore people understandably focused primarily on meeting basic needs and helping others. We tried to help wherever it was needed. At the same time, we used this time to prepare a new company concept and create a new online store. Over time, people began to realize the impact of the crisis on smaller businesses and started to support us with their orders, for which we are still very grateful. Since the beginning of May, we have started to feel a renewed increase in interest, and now we can say that we are 'in the clear'.


- You used the quarantine period to prepare a new concept and new products. What can we look forward to from you in the coming months?

The biggest change we are currently going through is the change of the company name from GoodGlass to GoodWays. At the beginning, we actually founded the company GoodGlass with just one single product. However, we are gradually introducing new products, and our new name now represents us much better. With our products, we strive to offer those good ways or paths to a sustainable lifestyle. In the coming months, you can look forward to the introduction of new products that will replace more single-use plastic items. Everything is going slower than we thought because we are testing it carefully and we don't want to launch anything that we are not one hundred percent satisfied with. We can reveal that we are currently working intensively on a range of custom products together with the company Vigvam design from Plzeň, who are already sewing our new covers for GoodGlass, which have truly exceeded our expectations.


- The main concern of your company is an environmentally friendly approach and sustainability. What do you think the impact of the coronavirus will be in this regard?

The impact of the coronavirus on ecology is a complex topic. During the crisis, we shared an article on our Blog titled “How does the coronavirus relate to ecology?”. We describe both the negative and positive impact of the coronavirus crisis on ecology, as well as tips on how to continue living sustainably during and after the crisis. In short, at first glance, it may seem that the coronavirus crisis has a positive impact on ecology, as global CO2 emissions have decreased, temporary lower consumption has led to reduced demand, and thus production. On the other hand, the topic of the environment has faded from both the media and state and international efforts; governments are now focusing on mitigating the impacts of the economic crisis, and the issue of the climate crisis has been pushed to the background. Another issue is the increased amount of single-use waste, whether it concerns medical supplies, plastic packaging that has returned to supermarket shelves as part of hygiene measures, or disposable cups and containers from restaurants. So the question is whether we will learn from this and learn to live with less, or if we will return to a consumer lifestyle.


- What would you like to achieve with GoodWays? Do you have any "wild dreams"?

We would like GoodWays to continue growing, just as it has so far, to reach the awareness of more people, so that we can further spread our sustainability idea. We would like to offer reusable alternatives to most single-use products so that they can gradually disappear from our lives for good. We are still a small company now, but our dream is to be able to support other meaningful projects. For example, those that aim to naturally return water to our landscape and thus prevent it from drying out.


- Do you have any tips on how to behave a little more eco-friendly in everyday life?

It's important to realize that no one is perfect and it's not possible to become a person who produces no waste and has a minimal ecological footprint overnight. It is important to implement individual steps gradually and consistently. Because every step counts. Start gradually with steps that are realistic and easy for us to follow daily. I believe that many of us now carry our own shopping bag to the store and bags for fruit, vegetables and baked goods. Reusable personal water bottle is also a basic item. From my own experience, I know that if I have my drinking straws or cutlery, it is much easier for me to refuse the disposable ones. It is important to act consciously and reject unnecessary waste. And above all, don't stress about it.

With love,
Terka, Johan & GoodWays team

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